Alameda County

Alameda County, County

English and Math Tutoring and Test Prep in Alameda County

Across Alameda County, 4.35 % of students meet California’s math standards; it’s 28.26% for English language standards – including native English speakers.

Look at the numbers – not the colors – on your or your teen’s proficieny report. If 80% proficiency hasn’t been reached, working with a results-oriented tutor or test prep coach may be best, especially if you’re an A/B student

Not in one of the cities listed here? You can still get the academic tightening you need now to avoid later becoming disappointed by low SAT, ACT, GRE, HSPT, or Praxis scores and other disappointments resulting from wonky language and math abilities.

Let’s get busy getting you over your academic, professional, or personal hurdles.

Learn and
Improve Your
English, Math,
and More.


English- and math-based learning–for both native English speakers and English language learners–are my bailiwicks, but you can get help in biology, history, and some other subjects. If tutoring and test prep aren’t for you, maybe a semi-comprehensive consultation, document proof, document edit, audio transcription, or accountability session can help.