EDTPA Edits: CSET English

EDTPA, English, Alina, Before


Alina first reached out to me in July 2020 to get help passing CSET English II. After successfully passing, she returned for help with CSET English I, but competing priorities interrupted her studies. In 2022, Ms. Alina returned for help getting her TPA edited. As is the case with most of my customers, Alina has high mental acumen and just needed help staying focused on certain tasks.

Alina failed her TPA submission for English teaching by 4 points. For single subject credential candidates, the required score for passing is 41 out of 75. Unfortunately, Alina earned 37. She was facing a tight resubmission deadline. She reached out to me on July 30, 2022; the submission was due August 4, 2022.

EDTPA, English, Alina, Photo

The Process

We focused on raising all the 2 ratings to 3s, at the very least. Some were raised to 4, and some 3s were raised to 4s. It would have been nice to aim for ratings of 5 out of 5, but we only had 4 days to complete this multi-page and multi-stage task, which consisted of reviewing elements of videos of Alina in action as a teacher, elements of her proposed lesson plans, and her post-lesson considerations about her performance during these lessons.

Between working and battling a last-minute bout of COVID, Alina worked her tail off. We vollied updates to each other, through the night, using Google Docs.

EDTPA, English, Alina, Results


August 25, 2022, Alina’s EDTPA submission was approved.

  • Passed EDTPA
  • Score: 52 Points (Up from 37)
  • Word Count: 23,295 + Audio/Visual Media

Remains in Credentialing Program
Alina continues to season herself as a teacher, and all the work she’s done to get into and remain in her profession won’t go to waste.

Keeps Teaching Job
Alina continues earning a living doing the thing she loves: helping teens understand English language and learn to use it to their advantage.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety
She has one less worry to consider in her daily life and is mentally free to focus on completing other credential-related tasks and teaching her students.

“Hi, Kenisha,
As expected, you worked your magic and helped me with another huge obstacle. I passed! Thank you so much!!!

[Book] that first appointment with Kenisha because she’s an absolute delight.”

-Alina Benson, High School English Teacher