CSET English 3

CSET English 3, Nataly, Before


Nataly began her Calfornia teacher credentialing journey during the dawn of the COVID era. While teaching full time, with everybody’s child actin’ a natural fool during Zoom-hosted virtual classes, attending credentialing courses online, and keeping an eye on her nuclear and extended families, Nataly still attempted to make passing CBEST Math and CSET English III priorities.

Nataly made first contact with me November 15, 2020 because she needed help passing CBEST Math. While studying for math, Nataly decided to get help with CSET English III. She’d never taken this test, but she’d heard that, “…people have trouble passing, so [she] didn’t want to fall into any traps. [She wanted] to set [herself] up for success by studying for the test beforehand.” She wanted to pass on her first try. She insisted on studying for CBEST Math and CSET English, simultaneously; I disagreed. I thought it would be too overwhelming. A few sessions into trying this arrangement, Nataly began to realize that her time would be better spent focusing on CBEST Math then turning her attention to her CSET English III studies.

CSET English 3, Nataly, Photo

The Process

Fastforward to June 2022, Nataly reached out to me begin focusing on passing CSET English III. Between June 30th and July 27, 2022, Nataly worked on paying close attention to writing conventions, paying attention to detail, ensuring her explanations aligned with her claims, and ensuring she focused on facts presented in the writing prompts when establishing her claims. We evaluated different pieces by authors and thought leaders she relishes, such as Sandra Cisneros and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez so she could practice eliminating her own biases when dissecting an argument. Sometimes, she was asked to compare the works of these figures with those of folks like Evo Morales, Aretha Franklin, or Erykah Badu.

The day before the exam, her anxiety bothered her quite a bit, so I sent her some testing reminders specific to her needs.

CSET English 3, Nataly, Results


Nataly sat for and passed CSET English III July 28, 2022.

  • Passed CSET English III
  • Scaled Score: N/A
  • Hours Purchased: 17

Closer to Becoming Fully Certified
This was the l-a-s-t test she needed to take. Shes done with testing, which leaves her time and energy to focus on other aspects of certification and professional development.

Professional Success
Nataly gets to remain in the classroom and mold a new generation of learners of future leaders.

Increased Confidence
Generally, Nataly’s already a confident person, but struggling with these tests had created a bit of a hole. Now, passing this last test has helped validate her. She knows she deserves to occupy similar spaces as her colleagues.

“Looking back now, I could have saved so much money if I would have worked with her in the beginning.

Overall, she was an amazing teacher and not a tutor…Do keep in mind that she will hold you accountable. She’s not about wasting time. She is a teacher that has impacted my life and my teaching career.”

-Nataly Lopez-Vega, English Teacher, North Hills, CA