CSET English 2 for a History Major

CSET English 2 Prep, Matt, Before


Matthew, already teaching physical education and coaching baseball, was offered a history-teaching position. Because he didn’t have an English language arts endorsement (required at some middle schools), he was unable to accept the job. He liked his employer, and he wanted to shift gears, so passing the CSET English suite was in his best interest.

In Matt’s words (from the initial query he’d made on June 7, 2021):

Hi Kenisha, I recently took and failed Subtest 2 of the English CSET. This is the last subtest I need to add English to my teaching credential…I am willing to do as many sessions as I need to do in order to pass this test. I’m registered to take the test in three weeks. I read in your reviews that you were able to help another person with Subtest 2. I would definitely like to work with you if you think you can help me pass this test.

CSET English 2 Prep, Matt, Photo

The Process

Matt and I met for his diagnostic session on June 12, 2021, which lasted 2.5 hours; our first official learning session took place June 15, 2021. For the 3 weeks we worked together, we met 3 to 4 days each week, online, for 90 to 120 minutes per session.

Our first learning session took place June 15, 2021. We dove into educational psychology, prescriptive grammar, the history of the English language, prescriptive composition, rhetoric, and linguistics. Having majored in history, tackling the evolution of English wasn’t too big a stretch for this customer.

Over six weeks, we met 2 to 3 times per week; each session lasted an hour, with our last session being held on July 20, 2021.

CSET English 2 Prep, Matt, Results


July 6, 2021, Matt sat for and passed CSET English 2.

  • Passed CSET English 2
  • Scaled Score: N/A
  • Hours Purchased: 33.5

To pass CSET exams, test takers must earn a minimum of 220 (on a 100 – 300 scale); results are listed only as “Pass” or “Fail”. No scaled scores are provided.

Able to Accept Job Offer
Because Matthew passed the last of four tests included in the CSET English suite, he was able to accept the history/English-teaching job offered to him.

Increased Market Desirability
Because Matt now has three teaching endorsements, he’s more likely to be desired by schools or districts, and he’s able to choose where he wants to work.

Hi, Kenisha:
I wanted to let you know that I passed my CSET today! I’m so glad you were willing to work with me on passing the CSET…Thank you again for working with me, I couldn’t have done it without your help.

-Matthew Munoz, Middle School Teacher